our story
Hi, we’re Ben and Dino, two food entrepreneurs on a mission to hack our favorite snacks.

We’ve always been curious—why couldn’t we eat the same delicious foods we had as kids, but with better ingredients? As all day/every day snackers, we reminded ourselves: put your money where your mouth is.
Our love for toaster pastries was reignited while on a camping trip with friends. We grabbed a few on the road; they were sweet, fun, and convenient—but we felt like crap after eating them. So we got to thinking, what if we could treat ourselves without the crash?
Enter, Flings.
We got to work updating the formula: no more sickeningly sweet sugars; no more heavy carbs. In their place we’ve added protein to keep you moving and dialed up the naturally occurring sweetness and fun of fruits and spices.
The result is a tempting toaster pastry with an appropriate balance of naughty and nice. We call it a decadent rectangle—it’s a bit like a pie, but it snaps like a cookie. It’s flat like a pancake, but tastes like your favorite donut. Whatever it is, it’s good for a quick fling with flavor—no strings attached.
Fling em hot, fling em cold. Fling em at home, fling em in your bag. Whatever you do—please fling responsibly.